Astrophysics in the LOFAR era

23 - 27 April 2007, Emmen (NL)

A scientific workshop organised by



Participants are invited to discuss their current science results and propose future projects with LOFAR. We hope to establish an excellent basis for collaborations among the user community. Furthermore, this workshop will also give an introduction to the LOFAR system and its initial scientific drivers. Results of prototype facilities such as ITS (Initial Test Station), Westerbork High band Antenna Tile and CS-1 (Core Station–1) and potentially from other existing low-frequency facilities will be presented. There will also be a trip to the LOFAR core site in Exloo.


The LOw Frequency ARray is a new generation radio telescope which will observe the low frequency sky with unprecedented resolution and sensitivity. The first core station of LOFAR (CS-1) is currently being assembled in the fields of Exloo and is producing the first data. Soon LOFAR will start to grow after the critical design review early 2007.

The purpose of this workshop is to bring together the prospective user community of LOFAR to explore current and future science perspectives of low-frequency radio observations.